President – Sherrill Cropper
The President presides at general membership and executive board meetings; coordinates the activities of board committees; co-signs all checks with the Treasurer; prepares and distributes notices of all general and board meetings in a timely fashion; represents the Association in community, business, government or other agency meetings; meets with local elected politicians to discuss membership issues; and performs all other duties incident to the office. Sherrill is the owner of Cropper Health Strategies which identifies and distributes health and wellness products as well as consulting to businesses and individuals. She is also a co-founder of the Northeast Bronx Community Farmers Market Project which provides seasonal food options and local vendor opportunities as well as nutritional education and children’s programs for our neighborhood. You can reach her at 917-682-1553 to schedule a consultation or to volunteer with the market’s outreach program.

Vice President – John Marano
The Vice President is responsible for supporting the president in their day to day duties. He / She presides over meetings, works directly with the leadership team, sets meeting agendas, creates subcommittees, acts as spokesperson for the board and shall assume the President’s or Co-Presidents’ duties in their temporary absence, or due to vacancy, or at their request. John is a committed community activist and holds a position on Community Board 10.

Legal Advisor – Stephen B. Kaufman
Stephen B. Kaufman is an Attorney at Law, a former City Councilman and former New York State Assemblyman from the Bronx. He also served as president of the Throggs Neck Merchant Association from 2013 to 2016. If you have any questions regarding personal injury, medical malpractice, elder care, probate and estate planning, or real estate, feel free to give his office a call (718) 822-0500.

Treasurer – Mari Vazquez
The Treasurer is responsible for reporting the fiscal picture of the organization, is responsible for the monies and accounts of the association bank accounts and keeps the records pertaining thereto. He co-signs all checks with the President or one of the Co-Presidents, provides a financial report at all general membership meetings; and performs all other duties incident to the office. Mari is the owner of Vazquez Bookkeeping offering accounting and tax services. You will also see Mari all over our neighborhood where she is a dedicated volunteer for many organizations and events.

Membership – Ed Angelino
The Membership Director oversees membership activities for a membership organization or association. Develops programs and initiatives designed to increase membership. Updates and distributes information to new members as well as prospective members. A member since 2007, Ed has also served as Vice President for the Throggs Neck Merchant Association from 2010 to 2016. Ed Angelino is also a Vice President at Associated Mortgage Bankers and acts as our liaison to the Throggs Neck BID.

Technology Director – Richard Rosario
The Technology Director’s role is to provide vision and leadership for developing and implementing information technology initiatives. The IT Director directs the planning and implementation of systems to support the associations operations in order to improve cost effectiveness, service quality, and management. This individual is responsible for all aspects of the organization’s information technology and systems. Richard is also owner of Richard Rosario Photography creating special memories of your family, newborns, and special events and ensuring professional and memorable head shots.

Secretary – Angela Molinini
The Secretary keeps a full and accurate report of the proceedings of all general meetings and meetings of the Executive Board, keeps track of all motions and related calls for consensus and votes, distributes monthly draft and final minutes, maintains meeting attendance rosters and performs all other duties incident to the office, including maintaining records of elections of the executive board. Angela Molinini has been the Secretary for the Throggs Neck Merchant Association since 2009. She is also the owner of Fig Tree Wellness, a nutrition and wellness consulting company. You can call Angela today at (646) 337-5069 to schedule a private consultation or to ask about her group counseling and /or training sessions.

Events Coordinator – Lilyanna Pekic
The Events Coordinator works closely with the leadership team to provide support in planning and executing events to ensure that events are successfully implemented. Duties includes contacting vendors, managers, contractors, getting permit’s, doing site inspections and working with local officials and merchants.Lilyanna Pekic’s 20 plus years as a licensed real estate broker has earned her a well-regarded reputation for service and professionalism. Ms. Pekic specializes primarily in the New York City Borough of the Bronx.

Resident Advisor
The Resident Advisor provides specialized services for the association involving the Throggs Neck Merchant Association in relation to community associations, and agencies that impact the residents of Throggs Neck.

Government Liaison – Patrick Caruso
The Government Liaison provides specialized services for the association involving the Throggs Neck Merchant Association in relation to government agencies and/or the community at large. The Government Liaison is also responsible for ensuring the TNMA is operating in compliance with county, state and federal requirements, for providing information on programs and services available to eligible members and referring eligible members to other agencies when necessary.
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